The Carvery Table
Our Carvery is served all day on Sunday with locally sourced joints from the farms and suppliers that surround the Fox House. Your choice of fresh vegetables and home made Yorkshire puddings with proper roast gravy are served direct on to your plate.
• The Great Yorkshire Pudding •
A Bit of History
A perfect Yorkshire Pudding mixture needs to be light and airy with the fat in the bottom of the cooking dish needing to be as hot as possible in order for it to rise. However, his description may not be entirely accurate; the exact origins of the Yorkshire Pudding are unknown, the general consensus being that it is a dish associated with the North of England. The prefix “Yorkshire” was first used within a publication by Hannah Glasse in 1747, in "The Art of Cookery Made Plain and Simple". This distinguished the light and crispy nature of the batter puddings made in this region from batter puddings created in other parts of England. The original purpose of serving the batter pudding was not as part of a main meal, in the way that it’s served with traditional roast dinners now, but instead served before, with gravy, as an appetiser course. This is because, when meat was expensive the Yorkshire pudding could act to fill the consumer, meeting the appetites of working men and allowing the meat to stretch further: “Them 'at eats t'most pudding gets t'most meat”, as the saying goes.
The pudding would have originally been cooked beneath the meat (usually beef) roasting on a spit above a fire. This position would have meant that the fats and juices from the meat could drip onto the batter pudding, flavouring and adding colour. (The initial name for cooking a batter in this way was “Dripping Pudding”.) This also meant that these drippings, essential in the diet, particularly for working men, were utilised rather than lost to the fire. Sources of these essential fats, particularly in the North of England, were more difficult to obtain at that time, especially with the cost of meat, so every drop that could be used, was.
It is traditionally cooked in a large, shallow tin and then cut into squares to be served, rather than the individual puddings you can buy in supermarkets today. Also, in today’s Sunday roast dinners, Yorkshire puddings are included whatever the choice of meat, rather than just with beef as is the tradition. Yorkshire puddings, as the accompaniment to the “British Sunday Roast”, have become such a part of the British institution that they have been nominated their own day of celebration – the first Sunday of February.
There are now more modern variations on the earliest Yorkshire pudding recipes, perhaps the best known being 'Toad in the Hole'. This is where sausages are cooked within a large Yorkshire pudding and served with onion gravy. It is also common to be able to buy entire meals with meat, root vegetables and potatoes all served within a large, round Yorkshire pudding, almost like a stew or casserole within a batter casing. Of course the batter recipe (minus the ground pepper) is just like that used for sweet dishes like pancakes. And this was how leftover Yorkshire pudding pieces were used up; reheated and served with jam or fruit or syrup the next day. The crispiness of the Yorkshire pudding meant they kept well to be eaten later, and again, nothing was wasted.
The recipe that we use is one which I developed in our kitchens to try and give us a consistent pudding using fresh ingredients from the farms around us. We make around 2000 puddings every week!
By Ellen Castelow, Contributing Writer Historic UK.
The pudding would have originally been cooked beneath the meat (usually beef) roasting on a spit above a fire. This position would have meant that the fats and juices from the meat could drip onto the batter pudding, flavouring and adding colour. (The initial name for cooking a batter in this way was “Dripping Pudding”.) This also meant that these drippings, essential in the diet, particularly for working men, were utilised rather than lost to the fire. Sources of these essential fats, particularly in the North of England, were more difficult to obtain at that time, especially with the cost of meat, so every drop that could be used, was.
It is traditionally cooked in a large, shallow tin and then cut into squares to be served, rather than the individual puddings you can buy in supermarkets today. Also, in today’s Sunday roast dinners, Yorkshire puddings are included whatever the choice of meat, rather than just with beef as is the tradition. Yorkshire puddings, as the accompaniment to the “British Sunday Roast”, have become such a part of the British institution that they have been nominated their own day of celebration – the first Sunday of February.
There are now more modern variations on the earliest Yorkshire pudding recipes, perhaps the best known being 'Toad in the Hole'. This is where sausages are cooked within a large Yorkshire pudding and served with onion gravy. It is also common to be able to buy entire meals with meat, root vegetables and potatoes all served within a large, round Yorkshire pudding, almost like a stew or casserole within a batter casing. Of course the batter recipe (minus the ground pepper) is just like that used for sweet dishes like pancakes. And this was how leftover Yorkshire pudding pieces were used up; reheated and served with jam or fruit or syrup the next day. The crispiness of the Yorkshire pudding meant they kept well to be eaten later, and again, nothing was wasted.
The recipe that we use is one which I developed in our kitchens to try and give us a consistent pudding using fresh ingredients from the farms around us. We make around 2000 puddings every week!
By Ellen Castelow, Contributing Writer Historic UK.